Have you Flossed Today???
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
In our society it’s very common to hear people talk about their physical health, even posting workout progress on fitness apps, or sharing and comparing number of steps taken in a day. We celebrate weight loss and increase physical fitness by posting before and after pictures on social media, and some are even willing to post about feelings of failure when they take steps backward in their quest for a healthier body. We are much less likely, however, to talk about our mental health issues, let alone reach out for support in our quest for a healthier mind.
During the month of May, you are likely to see an increased amount of information related to Mental Health advertised through many forms of media. Though Mental Health Awareness is crucial all year long, May has been designated as a time to give extra attention to this critical issue.
It is becoming increasingly more acceptable to discuss mental health problems, and reach out for help and support, but there is still work to be done! Many of us can improve our sense of sadness and isolation with a simple phone call to a loved one or friend, a virtual visit, or even a socially distant wave, or over-the-fence conversation with our next door neighbor. For others, more intense intervention may be necessary. A mental health diagnosis can be treated, often with great success! Much like we seek treatment for physical ailments and illnesses without hesitation, we should feel free to address mental health issues without shame, or feelings of apprehension.
If you think you might need a higher level of intervention, please seek help! Not just during times of crisis, but at any point in time! Sessions are held in-person, or through real time videoconferencing, using Zoom. Services are available to clients across the state of Nebraska. For more information, please call JFS at 402 330-2024!